Watch this short video to find out how.

Let's Schedule a time to talk.

You had a dream. What happened to it?

Here's the Problem; Every entrepreneur starts out with the same dream.

The Dream of owning a business that:

  • Gives you more control over your time and money.
  • The ability to spend your days doing work you find fulfilling.
  • That provides you the opportunity to have a bigger impact on the work.
  • Helps you provide a better life for your family.

Yet, for Millions of business owners that dream has become a nightmare. They’re struggling to grow or worse, to stay in business. The owners are overwhelmed with less time freedom and financial security than when they started.

And it shouldn’t be that way.

You shouldn’t have to live hand to mouth or sacrifice every other aspect of your life at the alter of entrepreneurship. There’s nothing noble in working 90 hour weeks just to provide a great life for your family. There is a better way.

We created the Business growth accelerator to support you in making your dream a reality. It’s a comprehensive coaching program that helps you transform your business no matter what stage of growth you’re in.

What Stage of growth are you in?

You can Do the Right thing

At the wrong time

Each stage of growth has a unique set of challenges you must solve.

Doing the right thing at the wrong time can lead to...

Wasted time focused

on things that don't

move the needle.

Overwhelem and burnout

as you get pulled in a

million directions

◎Revenue stalls

or even worse...declines.

Do You Own Your Business...

Or does your business own you?

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You feel trapped inside you own business.
  • You take business calls at family dinners or your kids sporting events.
  • You rarely vactaion and when you do you always take work with you.
  • You show up early and stay late because it's the only time you can get work done.
  • You feel overwhelmed, with too much to do each day.
  • You feel like the entire business would collapse without you there.

You're NOT alone.

The good news is, it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to choose between running a business and having a life. And you sure as hell shouldn’t have to live your life in fear - wondering if the whole operation will collpase just because you took a day off.

Your Busienss Growth Plan Simplified

Every business is unique. Our first step together will be to identify exactly what growth stage you are in and create a custom growth strategy for your business.

We'll help you design a custom growth plan for your unique stage of growth and hand you a complete business 'operating system' to help you manage your growth while reducing your company's dependence on you.

With your business systems is in place and you have a clear plan for growth you'll be amazed how quickly the confusion and overwhelm will subside while your profits grow.

Our approach to helping you solve these challenges is simple:

First, identify what phase of business you’re in and what stage of growth we need to be focused on. Whether your biggest challenge is finding good people, attracting new customers, maximizing cash flow, or creating the systems needed to unshackle you from running the day-to-day operations of your company - The business growth accelerator is going to be your best friend.

Next, we'll design a custom growth plan for your unique situation. We do this during our initial planning session that takes place shortly after you join the program. At that meeting, I will personally work with you and your team to lay out a custom growth strategy for the first three months. And you’ll get access to my proprietary Business Operating System that can be customized to meet the goals we lay out in our initial planning session.

Finally, I'll work with you to make sure you’re staying on track. Creating an effective growth plan is one thing. Staying on track while confronting the inevitable roadblocks you'll encounter is another. We want to be with you to take on those challenges together.

See Your Business Operating System in Action

Business is a thinking persons game. Emotions are your enemy. The easiest wayt to make sure you're operating with your head and not your 'gut' is to have a system for setting goals and evaluating performance.

Your Business 'Operating System' is your hub for keeping everthing in your business on track.

Our Clients in Their Own Words

Ridiculously valuable is a phrase that comes to mind when I think of Jason Stapleton. I've had the pleasure of considering Jason a mentor for nearly five years now and I've never been more impressed by what he has been able to teach me as well as the goals and accomplishments that he has achieved in that short time.

To describe Jason as a motivational mentor to his clients would be a gross disservice to the clarity and insight he can provide to anyone in any industry within 30 minutes of conversation. The secret "x-factor," if you will, is Jason's fundamental understanding of business strategy, influence, and human behavior is second-to-none. When your expertise in the fundamentals is of that caliber, the advice, guidance, and strategy that you can provide in almost any scenario is invaluable.

The traits and strengths I have described above have allowed me to use Jason's guidance to achieve a surprising amount of success in the past few years, both professionally and personally. While I'm sure there is a limit to the value that any one person can provide, I personally am unaware of that limit for Jason and that one of many reasons why I look forward to calling him a mentor for years to come.

I have worked with numerous small business consultants over the past 10 years and without a doubt, Jason is the best one! The amount of information and ways to improve our small business discussed during our in-person session was immense. His ability to gather information about the business, synthesize it, and then develop a plan that can actually be implemented is the best that I have seen. His recommendations range from immediate implementation to long range scalability. We met with Jason on a Saturday and were already implementing changes the next day.

Additionally, Jason's consulting is an affordable fee for any successful small business that is looking to scale and/or improve. The fee is all encompassing and there is no "additional" fees that show up after the initial payment is made. Jason also doesn't sell systems or additional programs unless they are identified as a critical piece needed to improve or scale the business. He will take existing systems and infrastructure and find ways to streamline or enhance them. Jason is the first consultant whose fee is his fee with no nickel and dimes, is affordable for most small businesses, and doesn't ask for a profit share or percentage.

Jason is without a doubt an amazing small business consultant who cares about his clients and their success! We will use him for our future consulting needs without a doubt and his ability to help small business without charging a crazy, exorbitant fee is an asset to any small business looking to improve their organization.

Want help solving your busiess

challenges for free?

Sometimes overcoming a major roadblock in your business just requires a thoughtful converation with someone who's been there. If you'd like to chat with someone about the current challenges facing your company just click the link below and schdule a time to talk.

Now is the time to get your business unstuck so you can start enjoying the freedom and flexibility that comes from building a company the right way.

For over a decade I’ve helped hundreds of business owners do just that. And we'd love to help you do the same.

Stapleton Group Inc. | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

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PAINFULLY OBVIOUS DISCLAIMER: My results aren't even on the same planet as "typical." Pulling this off was HARD and it STILL takes work. It's not like I get to just sit around all day and count money. And no matter how good the instructions are, the average person who gets/consumes/buys any "business building" materials rarely gets any results. Kind of like how the average person who buys the fitness gizmo on TV rarely looks like the person in the commercials. Anyway - you get the point. No income claims are made or implied. I can show you what's working for me but please don't take it as an insinuation that the average person will do the same. I have no clue what the average person (or anyone) will do. I think it's safe to assume the answer is "nothing."